Quinn & Deluca, LLC
Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Retired | Member since October 23rd, 2010
Quinn & Deluca, LLC specializes in:
> Compilations, Financial Statements
> Full-charge Bookkeeping.
• Cloud computing in an innovative, solution-oriented, accounting environment.
• Mission implementation using a proactive off-site accounting department
• Flawless execution of your accounting requirements
• Command and Control with a single-point-of-contact accounting service
• Security protocols allow degreed accountants to “sit” in your office
Please mention you proudly found Quinn & Deluca, LLC on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
the military taught me about esprit de corps and camaraderie. About pushing the technological envelop to excite the team; enhancing the mundane; how to produce Situational Audits identifying all the information produced, who produces it, who uses it, determining how often the knowledge is accessed and where it’s stored. All avoiding the common pitfalls of using out of date information, lack of awareness, inability to keep abreast and the biggest waste of time – Reinventing the Wheel.
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