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Sons of Oil Ministries, Inc

Business Address:
2513 McCain Blvd Suite 2 #147
North Little Rock, AR 72116
Pulaski County

Business Contact:
Rev. James Floyd
Contact Sons of Oil Ministries, Inc

Non-Profit Organization | Member since July 17th, 2019

Sons of Oil Ministries, Inc. provides practical teaching, training, and mentoring designed to equip others to be producers of the promises of God in life, ministry and their nation. We are called by the Lord Jesus to serve the Body of Christ. He sends us to the nations to deliver Holy Spirit inspired teachings from the Bible in a particular place to His people. We train and develop other ministries and equip leaders and saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the whole Body of Christ.

Please mention you proudly found Sons of Oil Ministries, Inc on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

Just out of high school and after a year at community college, i joined the United States Army. I was trained in clerical and computer operations MOSs that have positioned me well for the technical society of business. My first duty assignment was Turkey where experience and exposure to travel and other cultures at the onset of my career developed in me a expansive vision of the world. My second assignment was the Military District of Washington which allow me to see civilian government.

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Sons of Oil Ministries, Inc - Tagline/Slogan:
Sons of Oil Ministries, Sons of OIl

Hours of Operation (Time Zone: Central)

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm


7:00am - 7:00pm



NAICS Code 813110: Religious Organizations

Serviceable Areas

United States, Peru, Kenya, Italy, Israel, India, Canada, Worldwide Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Tennessee

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