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Grant You Wings, Inc.

Business Address:
Grant You Wings
West Hempstead, NY 11552
Nassau County
DBA/Alternate Name/Nickname:
Track Club

Business Contact:
Mr. Andrew Grant
Contact Grant You Wings, Inc.

Non-Profit Organization | Marines, Separated | Member since March 11th, 2019

The Grant You Wings Track Club aka Grant You Wings, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit, charitable organization that relies heavily upon the support of its many friends, family, and associates to sustain the program. Your tax-deductible contribution will be immediately acknowledged and put to work, helping us maintain our services to tackle childhood obesity and the prevention of obesity in our children. The current national financial situation has made many people less likely to give to any charitable organization regardless of need but. the need still exists. We provide track and field services to children in the New York City area. If you or anyone would like to donate us, please click on the donation button or get in contact with us and we will guide you through the process.

Please mention you proudly found Grant You Wings, Inc. on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

My military service taught me adversity, leadership and getting results under extreme pressures. Traveling around the world has taught me to be understanding of other's culture, customs and beliefs, as to not offend anyone that you potentially do business with. The knowledge of knowing several languages, although it is, not fluently, however, it breaks the ice in what can be a tense situation

This page has been visited 1571 times.

Grant You Wings, Inc. - Tagline/Slogan:
Hard work prepares for easy success


Serviceable Areas

Queens, NY Brooklyn, NY Nassau County Suffolk County Elmont, NY Laurelton, NY St. Albans, NY Cambria Heights, NY Springfield Gardens, NY Queens Village, NY Inwood, NY Far Rockaway, NY Woodmere, NY Hewlett, NY Baldwin, NY West Hempstead, NY Malverne, NY Freeport, NY Jamaica, NY

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