Knight & Associates Consulting LLC
Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Separated | Member since December 7th, 2018
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Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
"As a young man raised in NYC back in the 1960s, I needed structure and purpose as do many teenagers. Thanks to great talks and support from both my parents they strongly suggested that I enroll in college or join the military. The latter benefited me the most . I found a purpose and structure in the USAF boot camp and subsequent combat school. The military training taught me team work, self-reliance, dependability and a drive not to fail, never give up, not let my team down. The USAF taught me not only how to follow orders but follow through. So when I gave my word to complete a task – it was done. Content of character!"
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Knight & Associates Consulting LLC - Tagline/Slogan:
Building the road you need to get ahead...
Hours of Operation (Time Zone: Central)