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Seattle Community Network Association

Business Address:
P.O. Box 15942
Seattle, WA 98115
King County
DBA/Alternate Name/Nickname:

Business Contact:
Mr. Keith Gormezano
Contact Seattle Community Network Association

Non-Profit Organization | Member since November 12th, 2018

The Seattle Community Network (SCN) is a free public-access computer network for exchanging and accessing information. Beyond that, however, it is a service conceived for community empowerment. Our principles are a series of commitments to help guide the ongoing development and management of the system for both the organizers and participating individuals and organizations. SCN's detailed principles:

SCN is an educational nonprofit promoting equal access and internet literacy for everyone by providing free e-mail, internet access, mailing lists and web pages for individuals and community groups. Our goal is to support the community by helping with electronic communications. For more information about our organization's structure, see

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Seattle Community Network Association - Tagline/Slogan:
Democracy and access for all through free e-mail, websites, and dial up Internet access.


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