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The Enduring Charity Foundation

Business Address:
622 Anson Drive
Columbia, SC 29229
Richland County
Business Contact:
Dr./LTC Josh Brooks
Founder and President
Contact The Enduring Charity Foundation

Non-Profit Organization | Army, Active Duty | Member since January 22nd, 2016

The Enduring Charity Foundation helps individuals, businesses, and non-profits establish, maintain, and grow their own charitable endowments, in order to provide an enduring source of financial support for those designated charities.

To develop and grow into a multi-million dollar non-profit foundation, that will provide hundreds of thousands of dollars each year - year in and year out, FOREVER - to designated charitable organizations.

In conjunction with its mission and operations, we strive to embody three core values: 1) charity - support worthy and deserving charitable organizations; 2) perpetuity - create an enduring source of support through an endowment model; and 3) trust - conduct all activities and operations in a manner that honors the trust of our Endowment Founders, Donors, and their designated charities.

Please mention you proudly found The Enduring Charity Foundation on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

My extensive education and on-the-job experience in leadership has very much prepared me to establish and lead our foundation.

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