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Uncle Budd's Kraft Affair

Business Address:
1109 Judy Lane
Copperas Cove, TX 76522-4783
Coryell County
Business Contact:
Budd Johnson
Contact Uncle Budd's Kraft Affair

Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Retired | Member since June 12th, 2015

Uncle Budd's Kraft Affair is a home craft/hobby making yardstick and ruler hangers on a sewing machine. My mother had an old yardstick hanger made of burlap hanging in the kitchen forever.

We always knew where the yardstick was. I "upgraded" the idea using nice material and bias tape, but also added a pocket for a ruler. I have also added a line of "Name Books" of local interest or to be specially ordered.

Please mention you proudly found Uncle Budd's Kraft Affair on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

I was an aircraft mechanic/supervisor that rolled over to civilian aircraft maintenance and then into RV service and repair. After a heart attack took a toll on me, I had to limit my work and hobbies. I enjoyed mechanical work but time and space made me pick up a sewing machine and teach myself how use it. This had me working during the winter months building an inventory.

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