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First Class Résumés & Career Services

Business Address:
5021 Seminary Road
Alexandria, VA 22311
Alexandria City County
Business Contact:
Dannielle Ramos Rash
Contact First Class Résumés & Career Services

Veteran Owned Business | Army, Separated | Member since November 25th, 2013

At First Class Résumés we offer a full range of career services to our clients. These services are resume writing, editing, cover letter writing, follow up letter writing, reference letter writing and more. We have assisted students, college graduates, military service members and professionals in the workplace.

Please mention you proudly found First Class Résumés & Career Services on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

Training and education have always been an important aspect in her life. As a result, Dannielle has been recognized both as a Soldier and a civilian receiving numerous military decorations, service and commander’s awards, leadership and academic achievement, and productivity and improvement awards. However, her greatest awards come from those she has inspired through her own story of commitment, courage and excellence, that they too can, “Be All you Can Be.

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