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Business Address:
1845 Sir Tyler Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
New Hanover County
Business Contact:
Teri Moylan
Development Director
Contact HeartsApart

Non-Profit Organization | Member since January 18th, 2013

HeartsApart was created to keep families connected while our military men and women are serving abroad. Through the efforts of our country's finest photographers, we provide our soon-to-be deployed servicemen and women with pictures of their spouses and children.

The photographs are printed on waterproof and durable bi-folded cards, which fit securely in their uniform pocket.

Our goal is simple. As long as servicemen and women are in harm's way and separated from their families, we will be taking pictures. There is no end to the project - just a commitment to continue to serve our Armed Forces while they continue to serve us.

Please mention you proudly found HeartsApart on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

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