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Havre Area Chamber of Commerce

Business Address:
PO Box 308
Havre, MT 59501
Hill County
Business Contact:
Havre Hill
Chamber of Commerce
Contact Havre Area Chamber of Commerce

Non-Profit Organization | Member since June 15th, 2012

Havre Montana Area Chamber of Commerce (Hill County MT):

Havre is rich in history and culture. Located in the rolling plains of north central Montana, Havre began over 100 years ago as the first trains forged across the Great Plains. Havre became the transportation hub of the area, providing goods and supplies to the area trappers, miners and military stationed at Fort Assinniboine, six miles southwest of town.

PO Box 308
Havre, MT 59501
Phone: (406) 265-4383

Please mention you proudly found Havre Area Chamber of Commerce on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

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