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International House of Prayer

Business Address:
2767 Sherlock Drive
San Jose, CA 95121-2768
Santa Clara County
Business Contact:
David Sorani
Contact International House of Prayer

Non-Profit Organization | Member since June 4th, 2012

International House of Prayer sponsors charity raffles to help wounded American Veterans and their families. We donate the money raised to non-profits that give boots on the ground help to wounded veterans to help their families rebuild their lives.

Please mention you proudly found International House of Prayer on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

My service experience gave me a profound and enduring love of military veterans and families. Simply put our government cannot do all that is needed so the charity raffles help raise money for non profits that give direct monetary aid to wounded veterans and their families. I was fortunate in my war years that I did not suffer injury but my command experience has helped me in every endeavor since I left service.

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