Northwestern Mutual Independent Financial Representative - Johnathan Williams
Mr. Johnathan Williams
Financial Representative
Contact Northwestern Mutual Independent Financial Representative - Johnathan Williams
Veteran Owned Business | Army, Separated | Member since April 25th, 2012
We work together to uncover your goals and make a plan appropriate to your situation. This process allows me to create a unique relationship with each client that will last.
Please mention you proudly found Northwestern Mutual Independent Financial Representative - Johnathan Williams on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
As an Infantry team leader I learned a lot about making quick decisions that have a huge impact. The kind of tactical and strategic planning that I did as an Infantryman is similar to the planning that I am now able to do with my clients. The military has prepared me for the toughest of situations and handling difficult financial situations is no different.
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