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aVOBa (American Veteran Owned Business Association) helps America's businesses that are proudly owned by our military heroes! aVOBa is the ... |
The Clark County Veterans Assistance Centers (CCVAC) mission is to provide a welcoming and safe environment with the goal of assisting ... |
The Veterans Florida Entrepreneurship Program offers Honorably Discharged Veterans free, on-campus/virtual instruction in the ... |
V.E.T.S. is a non-profit community organization providing a comprehensive holistic approach to helping our veterans have successful ... |
Veterans Miracle Center Erie - "All gave some - some gave all." To you, a Veteran of the United States Military, these are not mere words ... |
Veterans Support Group is a 501C3 organization dedicated to providing free assistance to Veterans of all branches of the service with ... |
Dunedin U.S. Military Veterans Advisory Committee | Dunedin, FL 34698 U.S. Military Veterans Advisory Committee is the advisory committee to the City Commission, City Manager, and City staff. The primary ... |
Franklin County Veterans Service Office | Meadville, MS 39653 Franklin County Veterans Service Office offers assistance to veterans in filing claims to the Veterans Administration. Office Hours are ... |
Hellfish Haven | Swampscott, MA 01907 Hellfish Haven’s mission is to assist America’s veterans through a combination of online gaming, recreational activities, peer support, ... |
Melbourne Veterans Resource Committee | Melbourne, FL 32901 Melbourne Regional Chamber’s Veterans Resource Committee enables Veterans to find the resources they need in order to establish ... |
The Warrior Connection | Brattleboro, VT 05302 The Warrior Connection (TWC) provides residential retreats and services to Veterans and their families to heal the invisible injuries ... |
Vet To Vet One Stop Center | Detroit, MI 48227 Vet To Vet One Stop Center is a Veteran Resource Support Center located in Detroit. |
Veterans First Foundation | Columbus, OH 43222 The Veterans' Free Clothing Store carries men's and women's clothing, shoes, furniture, and toiletries. These items are available, in ... |
Veterans Resource Committee Clark County | Vancouver, WA 98661 The Veterans Resource Committee oversees the Clark County Veteran's Assistance Fund which provides emergency relief for the area's indigent ... |