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Business Listings for Los Angeles County, California
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The Mission Statement of the Sunburst Youth Academy is to intervene and reclaim the lives of 16 to 18 year old high school dropouts; to ... | | Long Beach, CA 90802 Operation: All One Team You’re withdrawing. You feel alone. You feel haunted. Sad. Maybe even angry. Some days are great, some are ... |
America ICARE | Los Angeles, CA 90025 America ICARE is devoted to providing educational and transitional support, as well as a wide array of services, to veterans, active-duty ... |
California Veteran’s Network | Montclair, CA The California Veteran's Network is a privately owned and operated forum for California's Veterans and Service Members to consolidate and ... |
Cre8tive Differences, Inc. | North Hollywood, CA 91601 When you sponsor Cre8tive Differences, you sponsor many causes at once. We are a Veteran Owned and staffed company, supporting our arts, ... |
Disabled Veterans Charities | Baldwin Park, CA 91706 The mission of the Disabled Veterans Charities is to assist the disabled and needy veterans, their widows, and their dependents. We do this ... |
IHEAL America | Los Angeles, CA 90222 The Institute of Humanistic Ethics & Altruistic Leadership (IHEAL America) is a not for profit organization dedicated to providing ... |
New Directions for Veterans | Los Angeles, CA 90073 Since 1992, New Directions for Veterans (NDVets) has provided comprehensive services to thousands of veterans in Los Angeles County. ... |
Operation Gratitude | Encino, CA 91436 Operation Gratitude annually sends 100,000+ care packages filled with snacks, entertainment items and personal letters of appreciation ... |
Vet Film Fest | Hollywood, CA 90078 The Vet Film Fest's mission is to honor ideas and sacrifices of all Veterans through the medium of film and television. We bring the ... |
Vet-REACH | San Dimas, CA 91773 Vet-REACH provides Reintegration, PTS awareness and suicide prevention training to post-deployment veterans and families. Our guests will ... |
WIRED Athletes | West Hills, CA 91307 WIRED Athletes (Warrior: Integration-Reconditioning-Education-Development) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that uses triathlon, ... |